
Added in API level XE21

The CardBuilder class helps with building Glass-themed cards with various layouts.

See Creating Glass-styled cards for more information and sample code.

General usage

  1. Create a CardBuilder object, passing the desired CardBuilder.Layout to the constructor.
  2. Set content on the card with the add/set* family of methods.
  3. Get the View by calling getView() or get a RemoteViews object with getRemoteViews().

Recycling note for embedded layouts

When using EMBED_INSIDE CardBuilder makes no distinction between different embedded layouts when recycling views. If you have two CardBuilder instances with EMBED_INSIDE but one has layout A and the other has layout B, they will be treated as the same by CardBuilder.

If this behavior is undesirable (for example, when using a CardScrollAdapter with different embedded layouts), you must distinguish them by returning different view types from getItemViewType(int) so that the recycler only sends you convertViews with nested layouts that you expect for a particular item.

If you need to support cards with multiple embedded layouts alongside the built-in layouts, we recommend that you return view types numbered getViewTypeCount()CardBuilder.getViewTypeCount() + 1, and so on.

Nested Classes
enum CardBuilder.Layout Defines the visual layouts for cards.
Public Constructors
CardBuilder(Context context, CardBuilder.Layout layout)
Public Methods
CardBuilder addImage(Drawable imageDrawable)
CardBuilder addImage(Bitmap imageBitmap)
CardBuilder addImage(int imageId)
void clearImages()
int getItemViewType()
RemoteViews getRemoteViews()
View getView(View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
static int getViewTypeCount()
CardBuilder setAttributionIcon(Bitmap iconBitmap)
CardBuilder setAttributionIcon(Drawable iconDrawable)
CardBuilder setAttributionIcon(int iconId)
CardBuilder setEmbeddedLayout(int layoutResId)
CardBuilder setFootNote(CharSequence footnote)
CardBuilder setFootNote(int footnoteId)
CardBuilder setHeading(CharSequence heading)
CardBuilder setHeading(int headingId)
CardBuilder setIcon(Bitmap iconBitmap)
CardBuilder setIcon(Drawable iconDrawable)
CardBuilder setIcon(int iconId)
CardBuilder setSubheading(CharSequence subheading)
CardBuilder setSubheading(int subheadingId)
CardBuilder setText(int textId)
CardBuilder setText(CharSequence text)
CardBuilder setTimestamp(CharSequence timestamp)
CardBuilder setTimestamp(int timestampId)
CardBuilder showStackIndicator(boolean visible)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)

Public Constructors

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder (Context context, CardBuilder.Layout layout) 

Constructs a new CardBuilder.

context the Context that will be used by the builder to create its views.
layout the desired layout for the card

Public Methods

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder addImage (Drawable imageDrawable) 

Adds an image, specified as a Drawable, to the card.

This method only applies to cards that are converted into views using getView()RemoteViews built by CardBuilder only support Bitmap and resource-based images. Drawable images on RemoteViews are not supported.

imageDrawable the Drawable image to add

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder addImage (Bitmap imageBitmap)

Adds an image, specified as a Bitmap, to the card.

imageBitmap the Bitmap image to add

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder addImage (int imageId) 

Adds an image, specified as a drawable resource, to the card.

imageId the resource ID of the image to add

Added in API level XE21

public void clearImages () 

Clears all images that were previously added to the card.

Added in API level XE21

public int getItemViewType () 

Returns the view type of this particular card.

Useful in combination with an adapter. See getItemViewType(int).

Added in API level XE21

public RemoteViews getRemoteViews () 

Returns a RemoteViews representation of this card.

Added in API level XE21

public View getView (View convertView, ViewGroup parent) 

Returns a View representation of this card.

Useful in combination with an adapter. See getView(int, View, ViewGroup).

convertView an old view to reuse, if possible; can be null Note: if this view does not have the right type, this method creates a new view
parent that this view will eventually be attached to, maybe null

Added in API level XE21

public View getView () 

Returns a View representation of this card.

Added in API level XE21

public static int getViewTypeCount () 

Returns the total number of view types cards can take.

Useful in combination with an adapter. See getViewTypeCount().

Added in API level XE22

public CardBuilder setAttributionIcon (Bitmap iconBitmap) 

Sets the attribution icon for the card using a Bitmap.

iconBitmap the Bitmap to use as the attribution icon

Added in API level XE22

public CardBuilder setAttributionIcon (Drawable iconDrawable) 

Sets the attribution icon for the card using a Drawable.

This method only applies to cards that are converted into views using getView()RemoteViews built by CardBuilder only support Bitmap and resource-based images. Drawable images on RemoteViews are not supported.

iconDrawable the Drawable to use as the attribution icon

Added in API level XE22

public CardBuilder setAttributionIcon (int iconId) 

Sets the attribution icon for the card using a drawable resource.

iconId the resource ID to use as the attribution icon

Added in API level XE22

public CardBuilder setEmbeddedLayout (int layoutResId) 

Sets the resource ID of the layout to embed in the card.

layoutResId the resource ID of the layout to embed in the card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setFootnote (CharSequence footnote) 

Sets the footnote text for the card.

footnote the footnote text for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setFootnote (int footnoteId) 

Sets the footnote text for the card using a string resource.

footnoteId the footnote text resource ID for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setHeading (CharSequence heading) 

Sets the heading text for the card.

heading the heading text for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setHeading (int headingId) 

Sets the footnote text for the card using a string resource.

headingId the heading text resource ID for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setIcon (CharSequence footnote) 

Sets the footnote text for the card.

footnote the footnote text for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setFootnote (int footnoteId) 

Sets the footnote text for the card using a string resource.

footnoteId the footnote text resource ID for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setIcon (Bitmap iconBitmap)

Adds an image, specified as a Bitmap, to the card.

iconBitmap the Bitmap image to add

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setIcon (Drawable iconDrawable) 

Adds an image, specified as a Drawable, to the card.

This method only applies to cards that are converted into views using getView()RemoteViews built by CardBuilder only support Bitmap and resource-based images. Drawable images on RemoteViews are not supported.

iconDrawable the Drawable to use as the icon

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setIcon (int iconId) 

Adds an image, specified as a drawable resource, to the card.

iconId the resource ID to use as the icon

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setSubheading (CharSequence subheading)

Sets the subheading text for the card.

subheading the subheading text for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setSubheading (int subheadingId)

Sets the subheading text for the card using a string resource.

footnoteId the footnote text resource ID for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder Text (int textId)

Sets the main text for the card using a string resource.

textId main text resource ID for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setText (CharSequence text)

Sets the main text for the card.

text main text for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setTimestamp (CharSequence timestamp) 

Sets the timestamp text for the card.

timestamp the timestamp text for this card

Added in API level XE21

public CardBuilder setTimestamp (int timestampId) 

Sets the timestamp text for the card using a string resource.

timestampId the timestamp text resource ID for this card

Added in API level XE22

public CardBuilder showStackIndicator (boolean visible) 

Shows an indicator if visible is true that this card represents a stack of cards, rather than a single card.

visible true to show the stack indicator, or false to hide it

Portions of this page are reproduced from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License.